


UX Designer from the mountains of Colorado

Cabela's CLUB Retail Store iPad App

  • • Business goals:: replace a worn out system & prepare for the future
  • • Customer goals:: to stick to the current payment experience as close as possible

The CLUB called on us to help them solve a problem in the form of taking payments at our retail stores. The printers & check readers we were using were no longer supported & needed to be updated.

Observing the customers paying their bill at the store, we saw an average transaction time of 58 seconds. The customers enjoyed talking with the Outfitters, it was easy for them (the Outfitter did all the data entry on the computer so the customer just had to hand them their cash/check), and they did it on a regular basis.

We designed a quick prototype to test the functionality of making payments on an iPad. We had one where it was more self-service for the customer where they did all the data entry, and one where the Outfitter did the data entry. The user testing showed that the customers preferred the one where the Outfitter did the work as it was almost identical to the experience they had currently.

App Is Currently Live in Stores
Cabela's new homepage process and wireframes

Own the mountain you’re standing on.